In search of Eustace

At 2:07am on the 9th of October my life changed forever. My daughter Rachael was born.

In 2009 I was asked to launch an arts initiative for the US retail company ANTHROPOLOGIE. I'd been informed that whilst they inspired many, they wished other's to know "who inspire us". Given complete creative freedom I decided to produce a journal / document with my daughter, Rachael, who was 16 years old at the time, based around a road trip and a sense of discovery and learning. The project was entirely supported and funded by ANTHROPOLOGIE who placed no stipulations nor restrictions on my idea, content or final results. For their courage as patrons I'm eternally grateful and in particular to Trevor Lunn and Nancy Ihlenfeldt. Also thanks goes to, Eduardo Fiel, my assistant at the time who joined Rachael and I on our journey.. 

What follows are extracts from our journal, documents and snapshots of these precious weeks we spent discovering a little more of each other. Our journey would see us drive from Los Angeles via Death Valley towers Las Vegas. We would pass through the many wonderful rural small towns out west before heading north towards Boulder City and Lake Mead then Antelope Canyon. Continuing east towards Monument Valley and Mexican Hat we then headed south via the Grand Canyon and Sedona. Further on to Alburquerque, New Mexico and then into Texas and onwards visiting Amarillo and Witchia Falls before arriving in Dallas. At 3pm on the 4th of July, 2009 we eventually arrived at our journeys end and chosen destination, a small town 100 odd miles south of Dallas called EUSTACE, Texas.